Electric reliability isn’t just an issue for Kentucky. Across the country, our power grids are on the brink of failure.

On August 21st, The Mercury published a guest column by Consumer Action for a Strong Economy President Matthew Kandrach describing how the current EPA’s energy policy is threatening our nation’s energy grid.

“The EPA’s newest proposed rule aimed at tackling carbon emissions from the power sector — the so-called Clean Power Plan 2.0 — has drawn unprecedented concern from the very people charged with keeping the lights on and air conditioners running. The rule, which gives plant owners the false choice of installing unproven and exorbitantly expensive technology — or closing their plants to meet emissions reduction targets — is more than likely unlawful. What we know for certain is the energy crisis that it will invite.”

“The obvious alternative to EPA’s extraordinarily dangerous plan is to focus on building and deploying new energy technologies and infrastructure before tearing down the power plants that currently underpin our system.”

Read the full column by Consumer Action for a Strong Economy President Matthew Kandrach here: https://www.pottsmerc.com/2023/08/21/guest-column-the-epas-plan-to-break-the-us-electricity-grid/

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